Bug#1018969: assaultcube-data: difficult copyright situation

Tobias Frost tobi at debian.org
Fri Sep 2 19:59:56 BST 2022

X-Debbugs-CC: 935669 at bugs.debian.org
Package: assaultcube-data
Severity: serious
Justification: Policy 2.2.3
Control: affects -1 assaultcube

When I was looking into updating assaultcube to the new upstream release, I was prompted by #935669#57
to look into the copyright situation..

Before diving into it, I'd like to state that I believe upstream that hey have
done their due diligence to ensure that they are able to redistribute their

Upstream tells on their license site [1[ that it is ok to distribute the package unmodified.

they gave Debian specic license to repack where appropiate, but only to make packaging easier. [2] [3]

however they reserve the right revoke that license *at any time*; even if they try to find a resolution
before, but they explictily reserve the right to revoke.

Additionally, looking in the assaultcube data files package, there are several files with unclear
copyright status or file origin, a few are just "all rights reserved".

I fear that above puts a risk on Debian that I'm not sure if we should take this.

My proposal to resolve would be to modify assaultcube-data, so that it will directly download
and install the *data* files needed to play assaultcube.

(The package assaultcube -- without -data is the game engine and licensed under a zlib-like
license. This engine package is not a problem at all to have in Debian)

[1] https://assault.cubers.net/docs/license.html
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/games-team/assaultcube-data/-/blob/master/debian/copyright#L119
[3] http://forum.cubers.net/thread-4150.html


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