Bug#1010827: minetest: wrong find_nodes_in_area() volume calculation can crash or hang server

Tobias Frost tobi at debian.org
Fri Sep 16 09:10:18 BST 2022

Control: tags -1 +fixed-upstream -patch
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/11770

> If you are unsure on how to integrate it, I can try to help.

Thanks for the offer, but as upstream is happy with their fix and you
were unsuccesful in convincing them, we'll stick with the upstream solution.

Just on a side node: If you find yourself in disagreement with upstream on
a patch, and upstream is very clear about that they won't take that patch,
pretty please, don't bring that patch to Debian. This feels like you are 
trying to force "your way", and that will only create a bad mood.

I'm putting this note in, because there are other bug reports that somehow
have the same story. Thank you for considering this in the future.


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