Processed: Re: Bug#1044135: openmw: Crosshair, interactive prompts and character creation menus not visible.

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Mon Aug 28 14:09:05 BST 2023

Processing control commands:

> reassign -1 src:mygui 3.4.2+dfsg-1
Bug #1044135 [openmw] openmw: Crosshair, interactive prompts and character creation menus not visible.
Bug reassigned from package 'openmw' to 'src:mygui'.
No longer marked as found in versions openmw/0.48.0-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1044135 to the same values previously set
Bug #1044135 [src:mygui] openmw: Crosshair, interactive prompts and character creation menus not visible.
Marked as found in versions mygui/3.4.2+dfsg-1.
> affects -1 + openmw
Bug #1044135 [src:mygui] openmw: Crosshair, interactive prompts and character creation menus not visible.
Added indication that 1044135 affects openmw

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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