Bug#1057848: game-data-packager: generate AppStream XML from yaml definition

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 02:26:48 GMT 2023

I'm missing some piece of the puzzle indeed,
we need Gantt chart or something
of the features we want and the missing pieces to get there.

We can still fix the ScummVM problem on the side.

That would mean generating 200-something
dormant .desktop files at build time ?

Unlike ./runtime/ut99.desktop.in which is a solid file.

Le sam. 9 déc. 2023 à 20:05, Simon McVittie <smcv at debian.org> a écrit :
> If we do generate Appstream XML or any similar resource, I think
> we should learn our lesson from scummvm's .desktop files (in which
> we effectively can't fix bugs), and seriously consider using the
> same pattern as ut99's .desktop file instead: put the real file in
> /usr/share/games/game-data-packager-runtime, and a symlink in the
> generated package to get it onto the search path.

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