Bug#1030177: pygame-sdl2: FTBFS: pkg_resources.extern.packaging.version.InvalidVersion: Invalid version: '2.1.0-for-renpy-8.0.2'
James Addison
jay at jp-hosting.net
Thu Feb 2 18:37:13 GMT 2023
Source: pygame-sdl2
Followup-For: Bug #1030177
Dear Maintainer,
There's an upstream 'setuptools' issue[1] tracking these InvalidVersion
exceptions: basically, version parsing is checking for PEP440[2] adherence.
Updating the egg_info tag[2] for pygame-sdl2 to match the spec should resolve
the problem.
(in this case, one way to fix the bug could be: s/-for-renpy/+for-renpy/ )
[1] - https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/3772
[2] - https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/
[3] - https://salsa.debian.org/games-team/pygame-sdl2/-/blob/b1c1d5df2d0095cbed3ade64367b460fa684788a/setup.cfg#L2
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