Bug#1069780: RM: luajit2 -- ROM; ROM; duplicate source

Chris Hofstaedtler zeha at debian.org
Sat Jun 1 13:35:03 BST 2024

On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 12:54:55PM -0400, M. Zhou wrote:
> Before removing src:luajit2 from unstable, we still need to make the
> reverse build dependencies of src:luajit2 depend on src:luajit instead.
> I'll later file the corresponding bugs and let them block this one.

Seems like at least these need to be taken care of:

# Broken Depends:
lua-resty-core: lua-resty-core
lua-resty-lrucache: lua-resty-lrucache

# Broken Build-Depends:
libnginx-mod-http-lua: libluajit2-5.1-dev
love: libluajit2-5.1-dev
lua-vips: libluajit2-5.1-dev
sysbench: libluajit2-5.1-dev

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