Bug#1066983: monopd: Fails to start monopd.service

Shriram Ravindranathan s20n at ters.dev
Wed Mar 27 09:40:15 GMT 2024

Dear Markus,

On 27/03/24 13:01, Markus Koschany wrote:
> As this bug report proves, normal people tend to have problems with system
> services. A system administrator would have simply disabled or masked the
> service. There is nothing here what could not have been resolved with some
> systemctl commands.
I am sorry but I don't understand the point you are trying to make here. 
I don't think it is in the right spirit that we should expect anybody 
(even sysadmins) to bodge the package somehow and get it to work.
> However I believe I just remove the systemd socket file now and be done with
> it. There are pros and cons for autostarting the service or disabling it but we
> don't need to overthink this.
I think that would be great. Thank you so much.

Best Regards,

Shriram Ravindranathan

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