Bug#1070845: Packaging Godot 4.3

Travis Wrightsman travis at wrightsman.org
Mon Sep 16 05:36:55 BST 2024

Hello Games Team,

I have been slowly working towards packaging Godot 4.3 now that the
stable release is out.

I'm relatively new to Debian packaging and this is a major version
bump so I'm hoping you all could guide me towards something worth
uploading :)

I created an MR [0] in Salsa with the current draft of my packaging
efforts. Currently, it builds successfully on my x86_64 machine but
there are still some failing unit tests to investigate.

I'm also hoping to get the documentation packaged for offline use as
well, but it is in a separate repository that doesn't have tagged

Things off the top of my head that need wider discussion:

1. Does it make sense to rename the Salsa repo from godot3 to just
2. Does the Salsa repo belong better under the Games Team or
   where it currently is (plain debian/).
3. Should a separate 3.x package continue to be maintained?

Looking forward to hearing people's thoughts, especially current users
of Godot in Debian.


[0] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/godot3/-/merge_requests/3

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