[Pkg-geany-team] Bug#682153: geany: high CPU load while idle
Colomban Wendling
lists.ban at herbesfolles.org
Fri Aug 24 10:56:30 UTC 2012
reassign 682153 gtk2-engines-oxygen 1.2.4-1
retitle 682153 high CPU usage with idle Geany when using oxygen-gtk
Le 07/08/2012 09:01, Boris Hollas a écrit :
> After much experimentation I discovered the following:
> - I can't reproduce the problem if I use the default theme on Xfce4
> - I can always reproduce the problem if I use the oxygen-gtk theme on Xfce4,
> with
> gtk2-engines-oxygen, gtk3-engines-oxygen, oxygen-icon-theme installed. As
> before, no plugins were installed and I've removed geany.conf.
> However, geany is the only program I've encountered that shows this problem
> when oxygen-gtk is used.
Thanks for your investigations.
The upstream report [1] you linked in your original report also finally
spotted that the issue seemed entirely related to the oxygen-gtk theme
engine; and I can effectively reproduce the issue using oxygen-gtk
engine & theme. I believe it's an oxygen-gtk issue and not a Geany one
then -- and it wouldn't be the first report that actually is an
oxygen-gtk issue. I reassign to oxygen-gtk.
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