[Pkg-geany-team] Bug#672286: geany-plugin-pg: GeanyPG Encrypt menu option silently fails

Frank Lanitz frank at frank.uvena.de
Wed May 9 19:57:20 UTC 2012

On Wed, 09 May 2012 11:02:55 -0700
Alain Kelder <bts at mxcow.com> wrote:

> > When encrypting a message you can choose to sign at the same time. 
> > If a passphrase is needed, the GPGME library will decide how the 
> > user is prompted. Usually this will use gpg-agent. If gpg-agent 
> > is disabled, pinentry (see man 1 pinentry) will be used. 
> I then installed gnupg-agent and gnupg2:
> ii  gnupg                  1.4.12-4
> ii  gnupg-agent            2.0.19-1
> ii  gnupg2                 2.0.19-1

Is your gpg-agent set up to be running and did you set a pinentry
programm inside ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf? 

Frank Lanitz <frank at frank.uvena.de>
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