[Pkg-geany-team] Bug#763050: possible culprit: debugger plugin, turn it off as a workaround

Krzysztof Słychań krzysztof.slychan at 10g.pl
Tue Sep 30 16:28:26 UTC 2014

I'm having the same problem right now on Jessie. It turns out that if I  
run geany -p (without loading plugins), it starts...

When I run geany -v, I get:

Geany-INFO: Geany 1.24.1, pl_PL.UTF-8
Geany-INFO: GTK 2.24.24, GLib 2.42.0
Geany-INFO: System data dir: /usr/share/geany
Geany-INFO: User config dir: /home/elegant/.config/geany
Geany-INFO: System plugin path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/geany
Geany-INFO: Added filetype Graphviz (58).
Geany-INFO: Added filetype Go (59).
Geany-INFO: Added filetype Cython (60).
Geany-INFO: Added filetype Scala (61).
Geany-INFO: Added filetype Clojure (62).
Geany-INFO: Added filetype Genie (63).
Geany-INFO: Added filetype CUDA (64).
Geany-INFO: Loaded:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/geany/addons.so (Addons)
Geany-INFO: Loaded:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/geany/autoclose.so  
Geany-INFO: Loaded:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/geany/codenav.so (Code  
Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked
[1]    4412 abort      geany -v

Looks like it stops running when trying to load one of the plugins.

I've checked the ~/.config/geany/geany.conf to see which plugins were  
There is a line starting with active_plugins where you can see all enabled  
plugins. In my case, the plugin which followed codenav.so was debugger.so
I've removed its path from the file. Geany started.

To sum up,
1. geany -p (should run)
2. geany -v (should show you if it terminates abnormally during the  
plugin-loading phase)
3. edit ~/.config/geany/geany.conf
4. look for debugger.so in an active_plugins line - if found, delete the  
path and try running geany again.

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