[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] rewording package description on Alioth for pkg-giraffe

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Wed Apr 29 07:52:33 UTC 2015


the current description on Alioth for the pkg-giraffe project isn't very
informative and doesn't represent the current state.

> Debian Packaging of Giraffe (rebranded Zarafa's ZCP) and D-Push
> (rebranded Zarafa's Z-Push)

What about with something like this?

Debian Packaging of Zarafa's Collaboration Server and related WebApp for
ZCP, D-Push (rebranded Zarafa's Z-Push) and needed external libraries.

The Zarafa Collaboration Server Suite provides various possibilities to
work mobile as possible within a team or organization.

Maybe the gus from Zarafa can improve this short description a little bit.

Carsten Schoenert

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