[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Question about licenses in zarafa-webaccess

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Thu Apr 30 19:42:03 UTC 2015

Hello Jelle and Folkert,

some questions about the used and referred licenses with the
zarafa-webaccess packages.
I'm working on some lintian QA issues, and one of the most boring and
time consuming but major thing is the copyright file.

The current file debian/copyright isn't acceptable in a way of Debian
point of view.
We have to show up which file is using which license and write down the
content of the license (or shipping in a extra file) if the license is
not already visible in /usr/share/common-licenses/ [1]. Also we have to
write down the copyright holders and any contact information if possible.

I use the tool licensecheck to get an overview of the current files and
any automated detected licenses. These are currently

 * AGPL (v3),
 * AGPL (v3 or later) and
 * MIT/X11 (BSD like)
 * BSD (2 clause)
 * BSD (3 clause)

And some referred licenses for

 * Ext JS (GPL v2 or later as I mean)
 * part of code snippets from Mozilla (should be MPL2.0)
 * printer rendering code from Ed Spencer (also GPL v2 or later?)
 * TinyMCE (LGPL), not relevant for us as internal linked to other

I attached the output of this tool packed by gzip (licensecheck.txt.gz).

So what I would like to know is, as only a small part of the files held
a copyright information, what files are copyright holden by Zarafa
(should be the most of all I believe)? And what are the exceptions as
there are references to other from external resources used code?

At last I need a information like something below which I concatenate of
course by myself.

> Files: ./client/zarafa/Event.js
>  ./client/zarafa/calendar/settings/SettingsCalendarWidget.js
>  ./client/zarafa/calendar/settings/SettingsOverlayWidget.js
>  ./client/zarafa/calendar/settings/SettingsReminderWidget.js
>  ./client/zarafa/calendar/settings/SettingsCalendarCategory.js
>  ./client/zarafa/calendar/data/DayLayoutPosition.js
> Copyright: 2014 - 2015 Zarafa B.V.
> License: AGPL 3+

The file will be look in the end like done last year by colleague for
the old version 7.1 visible under [2].

Could you please help me to collect the needed things to write down a
valid copyright file to get the later package accepted by the Debian FTP
Masters without unneeded rejects. Thanks!

[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#s-copyrightfile
[2] https://github.com/RobKehl/giraffe/blob/dgm2014/debian/copyright

Carsten Schoenert
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