[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] zarafa-webaccess, rework of the packaging for Debian

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Fri May 1 13:45:28 UTC 2015


I'm going through the lintian output for the zarafa-webaccess package.
Most of them I get handled (for now) but some errors and warnings are to

I was able to fix up mostly all warnings of embedded JS code. The
follwing output is still to work on.

> $ lintian -E ../zarafa-webapp_2.0.2-2_amd64.changes
> E: zarafa-webapp source: license-problem-bad-php-license debian/copyright

That's a ugly problem, the source is shipping PHP PEAR code and is using
them. The respective PHP license 2.02 is the thing that lintian is
warning about. As far as I could see the PEAR thing is used to check the
quality of the code from Zarafa. If we could skip this all we would drop
out this issue.

> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing client/jquery/jquery-1.6.2.min.js
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing plugins/files/resources/flash/player.swf
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing client/tinymce/plugins/media/moxieplayer.swf
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing tools/resources/ext-doc/template/ext/resources/ext-base.js
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing tools/resources/ext-doc/template/ext/resources/ext-all.js
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing tools/resources/ext-doc/template/dot/resources/ext-base.js
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing tools/resources/ext-doc/template/dot/resources/ext-all.js
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing tools/resources/ext-doc/template/ext/resources/prettify/prettify.js
> E: zarafa-webapp source: source-is-missing tools/resources/ext-doc/template/dot/resources/prettify/prettify.js

This will go away except of the *.swf files if I filter out the upstream
source while (re)importing, maybe later today ...
As Mike was told on the DGM in Essen the folder tools/resources/ isn't
needed at all and can be dropped in future releases. But that's not a
big problem, all the JS files can be symlinked from other packages
before the package build is starting. I've done this yet now. If the
*.swf files are really needed we have to handle this in some way.

> W: zarafa-webapp source: missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright unknown (paragraph at line 922)
> E: zarafa-webapp source: license-problem-undefined-license unknown (paragraph at line 922)

That's related to the mail I yesterday have written, the whole
debian/copyright needs a rework, I just have started. As I have not
really knowing the internal of the code I appreciated any help from Zarafa.

> X: zarafa-webapp-files: privacy-breach-generic usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/files/js/external/uxmediapak.js (http://go2.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=108181)

Should be doesn't matter for now.

> W: zarafa-webapp-files: script-not-executable usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/files/php/Files/sabredav/vendor/sabre/vobject/bin/bench.php
> W: zarafa-webapp-files: script-not-executable usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/files/php/Files/sabredav/vendor/sabre/vobject/bin/generateicalendardata.php
> W: zarafa-webapp-files: script-not-executable usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/files/php/Files/sabredav/vendor/sabre/vobject/bin/vobjectvalidate.php

Mike has told that this isn't needed. So I would like to ask if the
shebang inside is really needed? I believe these files will be simply
included from other files and don't needed any execution rights and if
so the php-cli as a dependency is appearing then.

> E: zarafa-webapp-facebook: privacy-breach-facebook usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/facebook/js/facebook.js

Currently I don't know exactly how to handle this error. Lintian is
suggesting to remove all external calls to Facebook. But then the plug
in will be useless. ;)
Should this package go to non-free (don't know if this is simply
possible) or completely dropping this package?

> N: 1 tag overridden (1 warning)

That's related to the current package tinymce within Debian, which
seems possible a little bit outdated for zarafa-webaccess.

All repositories from unstable down to old-stable have the version
3.4.8, upstream has released a version 4.1.9 some days ago.

There is a wishlist bug one year ago against the tinymce package but one
year later still no reaction of the maintainer ...

Without the override lintian is complaining about a embedded javascript
file which I normally can easily resolve if I just remove this file and
link to the file within the current tinymce package.

> W: zarafa-webapp: embedded-javascript-library usr/share/zarafa-webapp/client/tinymce/plugins/compat3x/tiny_mce_popup.js

But there is more in client/tinymce which could be symlinked, ideally
the complete directory client/tinymce to /usr/share/tinymce/www/
but there are some differences between the subdirectories in
client/tinymce/plugins/* to the version and files in

So I assume the version in Debian is incompatible (to old) for
zarafa-webaccess. As lintian is "just" warning I tend to currently just
override this warning.


As there is no repository for the zarafa-webaccess package on Alioth
(that I don't need right now) I pushed my changes to the repository on
Github I have created last weekend.


Please mind that I'm currently sometimes rebase the whole repository, so
it's possible that have to reset locally a branch if you pull later! I
would like to get the repository in a adequate state for Alioth. This
depends on most parts on the main zarafa packages worked on by Guido and

Carsten Schoenert

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