[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] zarafa-webaccess, rework of the packaging for Debian

Jelle van der Waa j.vanderwaa at zarafa.com
Sat May 16 19:58:30 UTC 2015

Hi Carsten,
> If it can't happen now it will be o.k. for now. We are at the beginning
> of getting the ZCP finaly into Debian. :)


I've been working on the copyright file, I guess the easiest way to work on it is to fork your Github repo, so far I've made a couple of commits in my fork. [1]

* Added client/zarafa/Object.js (code copied from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys) Not sure what the license should be.
* Added various missing licenses here, the ABOUT.js files contain the license of the component (for example a plugin), so I guess they shouldn't be mentioned as the following text in debian/copyright?
''Files: plugins/spreed/js/ABOUT.js
Copyright: The PHP Group, and covered
           2005-2015, Zarafa B.V. and its licensors <info at zarafa.com>
           1999,2000,2002, Edd Dumbill <edd at usefulinc.com>
License: BSD-3  and AGPL-3''
* client/third-party/lovcombo mentions LGPL-3 in the file and client/third-party/iconcombobox is from the same author but there is no license information in the file, I am not sure how to proceed here.
* client/third-party/md5, couldn't find any information about this library (source or license), it's now removed from this location in the next release. Since it is only required for the gmaps plugin (so it has been moved to plugins/gmaps)
* client/third-party/Ext.ux.Icondragselector.js, can't see this code being used, will check further later (Looks like it has been copied from the official ExtJS website, so I would assume the ExtJS license applies, but I am not 100% certain).
* plugins/files/php/Files/sabredav LICENSE can be found in the following url. [2] The library is also available in Jessie, I am not sure how we can make it work with the Debian shipped version.

The good news is that we are now more aware of our external dependencies and will ship with less dependencies in the new release!

[1] https://github.com/jelly/zarafa-webaccess/
[2] https://github.com/fruux/sabre-dav/blob/master/LICENSE
[3]  https://packages.debian.org/jessie/php-sabre-dav
> ---
> Regards
> Carsten Schoenert
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