[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] workaround to get zarafa-7.2.0 build?

Mark Dufour m.dufour at zarafa.com
Sun Jun 7 19:31:32 UTC 2015

> I add a current Lintian run on the zarafa-* packages here so the guys
> from Zarafa will see what else could be improved as a overview. ;)
> Some of the points are already fixed I remember (like rpath issue).

thanks! yeah, so I focused this week on the errors (E:), and the errors in your overview should all be gone in 7.2.1. except for the zarafa source ones, which I did not look at so far:

> E: zarafa source: source-is-missing php-webclient-ajax/client/widgets/swfupload/swfupload.swf

so php-webclient-ajax is webaccess, which I still hope you guys won't package..  ;-) IIRC this file was already removed from webapp.. is that true, jelle? could we just remove it from webaccess as well you think?

> E: zarafa source: not-binnmuable-all-depends-any zarafa -> zarafa-server

will have a look at this in a moment.

I guess the main issue remaining is probably the renaming of library (packages). will see if I can tackle this during the week. 


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