[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] zarafa-7.2.1 RC1 released

Mark Dufour m.dufour at zarafa.com
Mon Aug 10 08:32:40 UTC 2015

hi carsten,

> What about a possibility to update libvmime to a current snapshot? Is it
> worth to investigate some time here or would you say it's useless for
> later giraffe packages? I now libvmime is now build up with cmake which
> need some adaption on the build I think.

do you mean the vmime 1.0 development version..? there have been some incompatible changes in there which would mean a non-trivial amount of work for us to use it. once 1.0 is actually released (it's been in development for how long..?), I'd be happy to investigate..

> Maybe some guys of you are in the near and want to join the event at
> least at one day?

I'm not much of a conference person, but I will ask around, thanks! looking forward also to your experiences with RC1 of course.


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