[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] zarafa-wepapp: imported new released beta version 2.1.0

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Thu Aug 27 08:32:45 UTC 2015

Hello there,

the last days I spend some more time on zarafa-webapp as I'm now able to
see the package(s) in real live on a virtual machine after adjusting the
latest zarafa core package.

I cut of the latest email traffic related to that topic and will give a
new short overview.

My work can (as also previous time) found on
Note that you have to reset a local repository as I've done some
rebasing, also you have to create a up2date debian/changelog file by
your own to get actual packages.

* The zarafa-webapp package got additional dependencies on apache2 and
libapache2-mod-php5 as without there is nothing to see. Maybe later we
want to support other webserver? Nginx? lighttpd?

* The patch-queue got a new patch to disable the including of
server/PEAR/JSON.php as figured out a few day again by Jelle. Will
dropped automatically if a next release will drop the lines too.

* I moved the internal build environment completely to debhelper, that
means everey package now got template files like
debian/rules is now shorter and easier to read. But there are sure some
things that can be made better.

* Currently zarafa-webapp needs to become a purging option in the postrm
so /var/lib/zarafa-webapp/tmp will be deleted if a user is purging

* The file plugins/spreed/php/dat/legacy/timezones.inc is still
problematic, the respective license PHP-2.02 is not DFSG compatible and
is raising a lintian error.

* Lintian is showing only a small amout of errors/warnings (nothing
new), for now it's fine I think. We talked already about the sabredav
related files. Tinymce is also no big issue.

> $ lintian -IE ../zarafa-webapp_2.1.0~beta1-2_amd64.changes 
> E: zarafa-webapp source: license-problem-bad-php-license debian/copyright
> W: zarafa-webapp-files: script-not-executable usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/files/php/Files/sabredav/vendor/sabre/vobject/bin/bench.php
> W: zarafa-webapp-files: script-not-executable usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/files/php/Files/sabredav/vendor/sabre/vobject/bin/generateicalendardata.php
> W: zarafa-webapp-files: script-not-executable usr/share/zarafa-webapp/plugins/files/php/Files/sabredav/vendor/sabre/vobject/bin/vobjectvalidate.php
> W: zarafa-webapp: embedded-javascript-library usr/share/zarafa-webapp/client/tinymce/plugins/compat3x/tiny_mce_popup.js please use tinymce
> I: zarafa-webapp: font-in-non-font-package usr/share/zarafa-webapp/client/tinymce/skins/lightgray/fonts/tinymce-small.ttf
> I: zarafa-webapp: font-in-non-font-package usr/share/zarafa-webapp/client/tinymce/skins/lightgray/fonts/tinymce.ttf

As far as I was possible to test the packages all worked fine, but
please check if maybe something is still wrong, Jelle? After that I
would like to put the current work to Alioth as we are closer than ever
to do a first upload into Debian.

BTW, the packages zarafa-webapp_2.1.0.50624_all.deb and
zarafa-webapp-titlecounter_2.1.0.50624_all.deb on
https://download.zarafa.com/community/beta/WebApp/2.1.0/BETA1/debian-8.0/ seems
broken to me, they have mixed content, zarafa-webapp got parts of

Carsten Schoenert

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