[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] new ZCP 7.2.1 BETA, zarafa-7.2.1 RC51665 released

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Tue Sep 15 07:10:20 UTC 2015

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 07:03:48AM +0200, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Good morning Guido,
> Am 15.09.2015 um 06:27 schrieb Guido Günther:
> > Great! Please make sure you run the autopkgtests I pushed today from now
> > on before pushing to alioth - they're really simplistic but make sure
> > that we can install the server and register users - s.th. that already
> > pointed me to >5 errors in server and packaging. I hope to further
> > extend on these soonish.
> I have seen you have added the first package test, excellent. As you may
> know my knowledge about autopkg testing is mainly poor right now. It
> would be useful if you can write something how to best use the autopkg
> thing into the wiki or into debian/README.autopkg for example.
> > Once this is done we can extend on zarafa-webapp - maybe with a simple
> > python-selenium login check to start with.
> To continue with such test on zarafa-webapp would be logical. Yeah,
> there are various things that could/should be checked.

I'm running this from the unbuilt source tree using the ssh runner:

    adt-run --unbuilt-tree . --- ssh -H $ipaddress -P $password

where ipaddress is the address of a vm that just has a Debian sid
installed and the password is the sudo password of the user I log in as.

For other setups the null runner is sufficient to run it from within
pbuilder but since we have system services I'm using a separate VM
like. In full this looks like:

    virsh destroy autopkgtest || true
    virsh snapshot-revert autopkgtest initial
    virsh start autopkgtest
    sleep 5
    adt-run --unbuilt-tree . --- ssh -H $ipaddress  -P $password

This can be improved on but it does the trick atm.
 -- Guido

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