[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] zarafa-7.2.1 RC1 released

Mark Dufour m.dufour at zarafa.com
Mon Sep 21 09:43:33 UTC 2015

hello guido,

> It would be great if this could go upstream for 7.2.1 (maybe compile
> time toggled (-DDISABLE_ARCHIVE) since carrying it could become
> cumbersome in the future. I've also renamed libmapi to libzarafa_mapi:
>     http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-giraffe/giraffe.git/tree/debian/patches/Rename-libmapi-to-libzarafa_mapi.patch

thanks again for this. we will consider this for 7.2.2 (7.2.1 is completely frozen ATM..). we will make sure to go over all patches on your side before the first 7.2.2 beta.

> > I've applied the attached patch to the Debian package which at least
> > makes the -F case work as expected. I've not fixed the forking case
> > yet.
> > I' also worked around the permission problem in
> > /etc/init.d/zarafa-server for the time being:
> > 
> >     http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-giraffe/giraffe.git/commit/?id=878012959c7ee186d4ed0ce823894d98ff250655
> This helps at least for the systemd case. Are you going to look into the
> daemonized case for 7.2.1?

I will try to have a look at this soon. not sure if I will find the time before you are off on vacation though..

> > Documentation in /usr/share/doc/zarafa
> > ======================================
> > The folder currently contains little documentation but lots of
> > scripts. Iff we want to ship them they should go to
> > /usr/share/doc/zarafa-server/examples but most of this is of little use
> > to Debian users. All files need to be moved to
> > /usr/share/doc/zarafa-server/ since that's the package that ships it.
> > We can ship a symlink /u/s/doc/zarafa -> zarafa-server if wanted.
> Not done yet. Patch for ths would be welcome.

yeah, I guess the scripts and example configs can just be left out. a symlink from zarafa to zarafa-server sounds fine for now, if the files really have to be in zarafa-server.

> > Manpages
> > ========
> > At least the zarafa-server manpages talks about license keys. I don't
> > think that is applicable for the server (or is it)? If not we should
> > remove it.
> Not done yet. Patch for ths would be welcome.

I grepped through all man-pages, and it looks like zarafa-admin is the only other one that specifically mentions something with licensing. something like attached patch might be applied for now.

> > Handling of security updates
> > ============================
> > With the LTS team in Debian we now support packages for 5 years. It's
> > always a pity if we have to end security support before that due to
> > lack of upstream support. So I wonder: once we have a version in a
> > Debian stable release will zarafa support the security team in
> > backporting fixes to these versions?
> We had a short discussion about that at the tour but I'm not sure what
> the exact outcome was. Maybe you guys can pick this up in Hannover
> again? Since you do have a CVE process making the patches that fixes the
> CVEs available would be a great first step.

I'd certainly be happy to help, but as of now know little about this whole process. but I don't see why we couldn't share patches early with you.. 

> Public headers
> ==============
> While the zarafa-dev package ships the symlinkcs to the SOs it doesn't
> ship any public headers. Looking at the header I couldn't find a clear
> cut between public and private headers. Can you suggest what we should
> move into the package. It would also be great to have a minimalistic

this is hard to say for me, I'm afraid. I seem to remember jan to be working on improving this (will ask him), but for now I don't think it would hurt to just ship it as is..? :S realistically, I don't think anyone will really develop against these though, but rather use something like python-zarafa (or something like libzarafa-simple as folkert mentioned at the tour, which would have a clear user interface).

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