[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] WebApp Selenium test

Jelle van der Waa j.vanderwaa at zarafa.com
Tue Oct 13 20:45:46 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I've been working on reproducing a Webapp issue and therefore wrote some Selenium code to login a user and send an email. [1]

I have tested it locally and on a remote (so slower) server and both seem to work fine, the code also handles the first login which requires 
the user to click on the "Continue" button to accept the settings.

If there are more questions about Selenium tests, mail me, the first accept settings button might for example 
need an id or unqiue classname because the current code does not work with translations.

[1] https://gist.github.com/jelly/b60d410e40758067c722

P.S. Code is Python 3 compatible :-)



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