[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] zarafa-webapp-files seems not completely translated in the UI

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Mon Nov 30 19:11:57 UTC 2015

Hello Jelle,

Am 30.11.2015 um 08:03 schrieb Jelle van der Waa:
> I'm currently on vacation, but I recall that the files translations
> should be in the zarafa_webapp.mo.

on vacation by this weather? :) Get a good rest!

> I just checked quickly and I couldn't figure out why it doesn't find
> msgfmt. The detection mechanism looks the same for server/build.xml
> and the plugins build.xml so I'll have to digg deeper next week.

Probably no need for that as I figured why this happen.

I was trying to implement some output which env.PATH the ant system is
using and I was seeing ... nothing. Hmm, seems there is some environment
setup missing, and yes there is some difference to server/build.xml or
other plugin/*/build.xml files.

Once that was fixed some new errors are visible, now there was no
language directory found. Correct, it is called language*s*. But even
now it wasn't completely fixed. The msgmft part was running and no
languages directory in the deploy directory was created. Yeah, there are
no files copied to. So I fixed this too by simply copy the needed code.

I added the created patch, feel free to use the patch. I've added the
file to the patch queue for now.

Carsten Schoenert
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