[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Debian Z-push/D-push maintainership
Michael-John Turner
mj at mjturner.net
Mon Oct 24 18:47:28 UTC 2016
Hi all,
On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 08:23:44PM +0200, Wolfram Quester wrote:
>On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 10:02:20AM +0200, Roel van Meer wrote:
>> Given this info, I was wondering if we could discuss the future of the d-
>> push maintainership? Wolfram, given the lack of updates on the d-push
>> package, it seems that maintaining d-push is no longer a priority for you.
>> Is that true? In that case, would you be willing to transfer maintainership
>> to MJ or me?
>I cc'd our packaging mailing list and Noël, since there was also some interest
>on their side in getting d-push going again.
>I don't have time to take care for proper packaging of d-push and thought about
>orphaning it.
>If someone is interested in packaging d-push, the I'd suggest becoming a member
>of the mailing list pkg-giraffe-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org and discuss the
>topic there. I do absoluty not object to someone else packaging d-push and I
>think that having a group maintaining this stuff might also be a good idea.
I've just subscribed now, so hopefully this post makes it!
>> MJ, what's your take on this? Would you be willing to maintain d-push for a
>> longer time, or were you just trying to get d-push recent again?
Either, really - my plan was to see what the maintainer wanted to do. If
they only wanted some assistance, I'd be glad to give it. Otherwise, I'm
also happy to take over maintainership. As I'm a former developer (mj at d.o)
looking to regain my status, I'd need my packages sponsored.
Cheers, MJ
Michael-John Turner * mj at mjturner.net * http://mjturner.net/
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