[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Try out to package kopano-webapp-plugin-files* fails

Jelle van der Waa j.vanderwaa at zarafa.com
Thu Dec 8 09:14:01 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Just got back from vacation and should really subscribe my kopano email to the list so I don't miss
these discussions :)

> From the main webapp directory. 
> This way it found the tools directory otherwise not. 
> I do not think you can build the plug in without webapp or at least I have not been successful. 
> Did you try running ant tools from the main webapp directory as opposed  as from the plug in directory? 
> Indeed I tried with centos as I could not get Debian to work. 

Yup, it's sort of the right way. The WebApp has 'build tools' in the tools directory (for concatenating css. JavaScript) and server/manifest.dtd  
to verfiy the manifest.xml file

Since we didn't want to copy these files to every plugin, we internally have created a simple "kopano-webapp-buildtools" package.
Which in reality should be a split package from kopano-webapp. 

To be honest it's a bit ugly, looking at our debian.rules file:

	install -d -m 755 $(INSTDIR)$(TOOLSDIR)
	cd tools && ant && cd ../
	cp -rf server tools plugins/ $(INSTDIR)$(TOOLSDIR)/

And in our plugin we build it as following, (and make depend on buildtools)

ant -Dtools-folder=/usr/share/kopano-webapp-buildtools/tools/  \
       -Dtarget-folder=deploy -Dplugin-folder=files -Dplugin=files deploy;

I hope that helps, otherwise I can probably share the kopano-webapp-buildtools package.
I think copying the whole plugins directory is a bug.. :) I think it really needs plugins/build.xml to be
copied for the plugin to build.

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