[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Try out to package kopano-webapp-plugin-files* fails

Marco Costantino marco at advanced-finance.com
Sun Dec 18 12:45:53 UTC 2016

Am 18.12.2016 um 13:12 schrieb Marco Costantino:
>> This packages are more a standalone application and/or third-party modul:
>> kopano-webmeetings
>> spreedwebrtc
> ...
> In my view these ones (plus the actual web meetings kopano plugin)
> should be packaged together in one single package which essentially
> includes the kopano webapp plugin plus the spreedwebrtc bits.

> > > That would enforces people to also install kopano-webapp (with all it
> > > dependencies) in case they only want to use Spreed WebRTC with a other
> > > service.

> > > Remind Spreed comes from a Third-Party company which can be configured
> > > to use own server as you already figured out. ;)

> > > What you want is correct dependencies so kopano-webmeetings is pulling
> > > streedrtc.

Carsten, yes what you say is fine.

There is however one issue which is that the key configuration file for kopano webmeetings is missing from the source code. I seriously doubt anyone can figure out how to do that from scratch....

Therefore it needs to be provided by Kopano. Technically this is a configuration file for spreedwebrtc but it's distributed under /etc/kopano/webmeetings.cfg from Kopano. Perhaps this could go in the debian package webmeetings itself as a readme or something?

I have e-mailed Jelle about this...

If it wasn't that I had access to an older version of zarafa webmeetings there is no way I would have figured this out myself.


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