[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] z-push: some signed tags missing on the repository

Roel van Meer roel at 1afa.com
Thu Aug 3 09:05:18 UTC 2017

Carsten Schoenert writes:

> >> For debian/patches, it seems you have chosen to work with quilt instead
> >> of using more flexible usage of git patches by using git-buildpackage, I
> >> or we wouldn't use quilt patch workflow.
> >
> > For debian/sid I'm using the gbp patch-queue now. It is indeed much easier
> > than quilt.
> Obviously. :)
> Typical workflow is something like this.
> [snip]
> We have now some changes to debian/patches/ that needs to be committed.
> I'm doing this mostly with a commit topic 'rebuild patch queue from
> patch-queue branch' and some deeper explanation what and why something
> has changed.

All right.

> [snip]
> BTW: You don't need to push your local patch queue branch to the VCS,
> except in some really few circumstances.

Ah, yes. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks!

> > It would be nice if I could see those errors as well.
> I normally use the option(s) '-IE' to see all errors and informative
> tags. You can also use '-iIE' that print some more explanation on the
> found issues. And you can add '--pedantic' to minor and experimental
> issues, but this makes only sense once you only have see minor error,
> warning and info tags.

Oh, right, that's easy. I was thinking maybe you had some extra packages  
installed. If it's just invocation options I can RTFM.

> Or you add a target what will override the dh_installdocs target and do
> the installation of that file.
> Would look like this.
> [snip]

Ah, that looks better, yes.

> I've added some minor commits and pushed this and your whole work for
> now to my tree on GitHub.
> https://github.com/tijuca/z-push-packaging

Thanks. I've looked them over and they all look good.

Best regards,


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