[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] z-push: some signed tags missing on the repository

Roel van Meer roel at 1afa.com
Thu Aug 3 09:24:15 UTC 2017

Carsten Schoenert writes:

> this brings some then some overrides on top that we probably can reduce
> after the modification of some PHP files by z-push in the past. The
> following output lintian is producing.
> > root at x260:/build/z-push-2.3.7# lintian -oIE ../z- 
> push_2.3.7-2~1.gbp0341b2_amd64.changes --no-tag-display-limit
> > warning: the authors of lintian do not recommend running it with root  
> privileges!
> > W: z-push source: maintainer-upload-has-incorrect-version-number  
> 2.3.7-2~1.gbp0341b2
> > I: z-push source: composer-package-without-pkg-php-tools-builddep
> > I: z-push source: testsuite-autopkgtest-missing
> > W: z-push-common: non-standard-apache2-configuration-name z-push- 
> autodiscover.conf != z-push-common.conf
> > W: z-push-common: non-standard-apache2-configuration-name z-push.conf != z- 
> push-common.conf
> > X: z-push-common: embedded-pear-module usr/share/z- 
> push/include/mimeDecode.php please use php-mail-mimedecode
> > X: z-push-backend-imap: embedded-pear-module usr/share/z- 
> push/backend/imap/Mail.php please use php-mail
> > X: z-push-backend-imap: embedded-pear-module usr/share/z- 
> push/backend/imap/Net/SMTP.php please use php-net-smtp
> > X: z-push-backend-imap: embedded-pear-module usr/share/z- 
> push/backend/imap/Net/Socket.php please use php-net-socket
> > X: z-push-backend-imap: embedded-pear-module usr/share/z- 
> push/backend/imap/mimePart.php please use php-mail-mime
> Especially all the tags with 'please use package-foo' can now mostly
> solved, if Debian is providing the correct versions. Let's look.

Well, the problem is that Z-push uses modified copies of these modules.
For some, the modification is only the error handling that has been
changed so errors end up in the Z-push error log and not in the
standard PHP error log (if that is enabled). But for some other the  
modifications are bigger. Also, due to development in these modules the  
differences with the forked copies have become even bigger.

There's an upstream ticket where this was discussed when I started the  
packaging: https://jira.z-hub.io/browse/ZP-1135

Upstream would also like to replace these forked classes with the standard  
versions, but this is a non-trivial task to do and test, so they say it won't  
happen soon.

> [...]

> Roel, care to check this? If the packages are possible to use the
> respective binary package needs a depends and a extra line in the
> *.links sequencer file. I can give a advice then if needed. An example
> for such a linking can be seen in the package libvmime1-doc.

Well, it is really required to get Z-push into experimental then we should  
discuss what should be done, but unfortunately it's not as easy as just  
replacing the files with dependencies to other modules.

Best regards,


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