[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] kopano-webapp 3.3.1 uploaded to pkg-giraffe

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Thu Aug 10 15:46:12 UTC 2017


in preparation for uploading a initial version of kopano-webapp I've
uploaded version 3.3.1-1~exp1 to pkg-giraffe.
Mark Dufour from Kopano has asked for the availability of existing
packages for QA testing within Kopano. The packages uploaded to release
experimental as done previously for 3.2.0-1~exp1.

The structure of the Debian packages of kopano-webapp is a bit different
to the upstream packaging.

My plan was to provide initial configuration files for the three common
webservers apache2, nginx and lighttpd.
This needs to provide some base data (done by kopano-webapp-common) that
is always needed and on top of that the specific data per webserver. I
wanted the user is able all webserver specific packages can be installed
in parallel due mostly on webserver machines a mix of possible
webservers is used. For example Apache2 can be used to serve websites on
port 80 and request on port 443 will be handled by NGinx.

As this is always needing manual tweaks and configuration changes, mind
SSL certificates provided by PKI, a installed package of
*-(apache2|nginx|lighttpd) isn't enabled by default after installation.
I tried to write a basic information on how to get the respective
webserver package running quickly into the README file. It's mostly
simply enable the webserver config to get the thing working. But this
can be for sure better documented, so if you have suggestion to doing
this better please raise your hands.

Please note the probably different package dependencies of the
kopano-webapp packages to the Kopano kopano-webapp packages.

Off topic:
Currently uploads to pkg-giraffe aren't announced to the MLs of
pkg-giraffe due a issue of using mini-dinstall on Alioth. I now filed a
bug [1] about this. Any help on this is appreciated.

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871674

Carsten Schoenert

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