[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] kopano-webapp 3.3.1 uploaded to pkg-giraffe

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Tue Sep 26 14:10:05 UTC 2017

Hello Guido,

Am 25.09.2017 um 17:55 schrieb Guido Günther:
> Hi Carsten,
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 11:46:12AM -0400, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in preparation for uploading a initial version of kopano-webapp I've
>> uploaded version 3.3.1-1~exp1 to pkg-giraffe.
>> Mark Dufour from Kopano has asked for the availability of existing
>> packages for QA testing within Kopano. The packages uploaded to release
>> experimental as done previously for 3.2.0-1~exp1.
> When using these packages writing mails is not possible since there is
> no editor to compose the message in (subject, to, etc. are
> fine). Looking at the JS console
> ./tinymce-plugins/powerpaste/plugin.min.js is not being found.

strange thing. I haven't made such a experience while working on the
last versions of kopano-webapp.
Now while trying to readjust this behavior I see the same issue you

> Looking at the upstream branch on alioth I see that the powerpaste code
> got removed with 3.1.0 already.
> When I add this file from upstream git everything works as expected. Are
> there any reason for dropping this? If not I'll add this back so we get
> a working editor.

Yes please do.

> I also wonder why we're using a home grown script to filter the tarball
> instead of Files-Excluded in debian/changelog + uscan?
That's simply because I don't know better. Of course we can improve such
things always. It's some time ago I've worked on that part so I'd need
to take more closer look at this then again. I guess the next two days
there is the time we can use for.

Carsten Schoenert

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