[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] preparing and working on kopanocore 8.4.0

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Tue Oct 31 15:11:17 UTC 2017

On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 04:06:49PM +0100, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 31.10.2017 um 11:33 schrieb Guido Günther:
> ...
> >> moved/renamed
> >> /usr/lib/libkcpyconv.so.0 -> libkcpyconv-2.7.so
> >> /usr/lib/libkcpydirector.so.0 -> libkcpydirector-2.7.so.0
> >>
> >> I assume this somehow related to Python 2.7?
> >>
> >> moved/new
> >> /usr/lib/kopano/dbplugin.so -> /usr/lib/libkcserver-db.so
> >> /usr/lib/kopano/ldapplugin.so -> /usr/lib/libkcserver-ldap.so
> >> /usr/lib/kopano/unixplugin.so -> /usr/lib/libkcserver-unix.so
> > 
> > The reason I've not pushed these changes to alitoh is that I don't think
> > we should do this. We should revert the upstream changes and move the
> > libraries back to /u/l/kopano . I plan to work on this later this year,
> > there's no hurry.
> I don't wanted to force a impression that we need to act quickly, indeed
> there is no need fore. I just wanted to share my experience and
> understand what problems we need to solve.

I didn't read it like that either. What I meant to say is: let's not
make the same mistake and move unversioned shared objects to
/u/l/. Let's rather do it correctly and have them in a private dir (as
it was before). All we need to do is revert the upstream commits and
look out for breackage. Jan's commit have some details so we should be
able to do so without breacking things.

> Glad to here you probably have some kind of "plan" how these problems
> can be solved. Let me know where I can help out on something.

If you have time just do the above. It's certainy better to have 8.4.0
in Debian sooner than later.
 -- Guido

> -- 
> Regards
> Carsten Schoenert
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