[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] mailing lists pkg-giraffe-discuss and pkg-giraffe-maintainers have been moved

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Thu Apr 26 06:51:13 BST 2018

Hello folks,

some one might have already figured out that the old addresses of the
pkg-giraffe-discuss and pkg-giraffe-maintainers list didn't have worked

The reason for this was a missed migration of the lists to the new host

The admins of this new host have done a subsequent migration of our
lists and the WebUI for subscribing/unsubscribing are now available here:

Our list for basic discussions

Our list for packaging related things

An overview of all hosted lists on alioth-lists.d.n kan be found on

I'm not sure if the old addresses will still work so it's probably
better to modify your existing ones for our lists. Please use now the
following email addresses.

For the basic discussion and questions
pkg-giraffe-discuss at alioth-lists.debian.net

For packaging specific problems
pkg-giraffe-maintainers at alioth-lists.debian.net

So now let's go further with packaging ... :-)

Carsten Schoenert

More information about the Pkg-giraffe-discuss mailing list