[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Packaging Kopano webapp desktopnotifications plugin

Roel van Meer roel at 1afa.com
Thu Jul 25 22:22:50 BST 2019

Carsten Schoenert writes:

> as promised I've looked now at your current tree.
> Some notes about your work that I'd do it differently.
> I'd avoid the extra shell script you are using to build the stuff. This
> helper is quite small and and inclusion of the functionality within
> debian/rules isn't a problem.
> So I've rewritten the rules file to include your extra build script.

Looks very good! Thanks!

> Let's not start with Debhelper 10, just start with the recent version 12.
> I'd prefer if I'm not listed as an uploader, simply because I've no
> knowledge about this plugin.

Sorry, I didn't mean to presume.

> The *.dirs sequencer file isn't needed, the required directories are
> created automatically. I'd drop this to make the debian/ folder more thin.
> Your current git tree contains also a branch debian/sid which is just
> empty. And you branched the pristine-tar branch from here, this
> shouldn't happen as the pristine-tar branch isn't connected to any other
> branch in the repo.

I usually start with an empty commit and branch everything from there.

> I modified your files from the debian folder a little bit and added, see
> the attached zip archive.
> [...]
> I'm open for comments and suggestions of course!

Everything looks very good, thanks a lot for your feedback! 

I've updated the github repo. I'll see about starting a repo on Salsa  



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