[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Kopano Webapp plugins versioning

Simon Eisenmann s.eisenmann at kopano.com
Mon Sep 30 18:01:12 BST 2019

-----Original message-----
> From: Carsten Schoenert <c.schoenert at t-online.de>
> Sent: Monday 30th September 2019 15:35
> To: pkg-giraffe-discuss at alioth-lists.debian.net
> Subject: Re: [Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Kopano Webapp plugins versioning
> Am 30.09.19 um 12:34 schrieb Roel van Meer:
> > But I've asked what I wanted to ask, so I'll leave it at this. I think 
> > continuing this back-and-forth serves noone.
> Correct, for me this would be just burned and useless time to invest. In
> the end the logical outcome is to not package such software for Debian.

I understand the frustration. Those plugins clearly lack proper tags. As far as i can tell we release them from tag offsets. For example spellcheck current release is I alerted the release team for those plugins since it should not be a big deal to properly tag releases.

That being said, it is possible right now to get the correct git commit from the tag offset using the base tag. As far as Debian versioning is concerned, that would be a version using a git short hash as part of version.

Best regards

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