[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] kopanocore 8.7.0-5 has migrated to testing (Re: failing autopkgtest for kopanocore 8.7.0-4 - store for new users now created by default?)

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Fri Nov 15 06:27:50 GMT 2019


On 29.10.19 19:03, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> o.k. I've added a simple call to get the details of the previously
> created test user which must be existing.
> As written, my knowledge about the usage of the cli tools is quite zero.
> Will upload a -5 soon then.

it has taken some time due to DebCI workflow has blocked the in time
migration of the kopanocore package to testing.

Unfortunately the point release for Debian 10.2 (buster) will happen
already this weekend so we can't get any updates for kopanocore now into
buster to get the fixes into the stable release.

So the next logical step would be to get kopanocore into p-u
(proposed-updates) within the next weeks so it will go into 10.3 in
January 2020.

Carsten Schoenert

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