[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#579160: Fwd: Raw image and imagemagick

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Fri Apr 30 14:47:33 UTC 2010

reassign 579160 ufraw
found 579160 0.16-1
tags 579160 =

Am 30.04.2010 16:36, schrieb Bastien ROUCARIES:
> Please in any case could yo report before doing something in gnome
> this bug to ufraw package ?

Dear ufraw maintainer,

on a freshly installed Debian squeeze desktop system, ufraw appears in 
the GNOME application menu (this is because inkscape, which is 
installed by default, recommends imagemagick which in turn recommends 

I think, editing pictures in RAW format is a rather special use case 
and not something that needs a dedicated application installed by a 
standard install. If someone want to do it, he/she can easily find and 
install this program via the usual apt tools. Additionally, ufraw does 
not really well integrate with the other GNOME application and may 
thus leave a negative impression on a freshly installed system.

Since the imagemagick maintainers consider the capability to edit raw 
images based on ufraw a valuable feature and thus decided to keep on 
recommending it, I'd like to suggest two possible ways how to reduce 
this negative desktop experience:
1) This icon gets disabled by default in the 
/usr/share/applications/ufraw.desktop file (either globally or only in 
2) this icon gets disabled by default in GNOME via a black-list (thus 
CCing pkg-gnome team).


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