[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#622591: I also confirm this bug

Виталий Филиппов vfilippov at custis.ru
Tue Aug 9 14:26:13 UTC 2011

I also confirm this bug. In my case, however, a separate perl module  
(T.pm) with a function must be used to reproduce the bug. Just calling  
Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new() from the test script doesn't work.
This is probably an ImageMagick bug, just because it doesn't happen with  
6.7.1 built from the source. (the bug happens on ImageMagick 6.6.9-7-5)

So please, just update ImageMagick package to 6.7.1.


require Image::Magick;
require T;


package T;
use Search::Xapian qw(:db);
sub test {
     my $xap = Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new('./xapian', DB_CREATE);
     print "OK\n";

With best regards,
   Vitaliy Filippov

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