[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#622591: RE : Bug#622591: I also confirm this bug

Bastien ROUCARIES roucaries.bastien at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 16:26:52 UTC 2011

Look like a gcc bug.

I am away the net (except phone and cyber) for a few day

Could you search gcc bug that look like this one?


Le 9 août 2011 17:12, "Виталий Филиппов" <vfilippov at custis.ru> a écrit :

Oops, sorry.
6.7.1 also fails, but in some different situation... Previous test runs
without SIGSEGV in 6.7.1. I haven't found the new test yet.

It's curious that if you specify LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libuuid.so.1 on the command
line, the segmentation fault goes away completely.

With best regards,
 Vitaliy Filippov

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