[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#709845: update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/compare-im6 doesn't exist

Alex Vanderpol karashata at gmail.com
Sat May 25 23:43:49 UTC 2013

Checking into things a little further...

The binaries are completely missing from this recent package update, no 
wonder the script fails.

There appear to be a few other files missing as well that are linked to 
the missing binaries. (Appears to be some icons and the imagemagick 
display desktop file.)

Is this intentional, or is this a mistake in the package build that 
needs to be fixed?

Hopefully you can get this worked out and get a working update uploaded 
soon. In the mean time I've downgraded to the previous version and will 
hold on that.

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