[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#813426: warning: /etc/alternatives/compare is dangling; it will be updated with best choice

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 22:20:37 UTC 2016

control: tags -1 +moreinfo

  Dear Jidanni,

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 9:00 PM, jidanni1 <jidanni1 at ps11007.dreamhostps.com>

> Package: imagemagick-6.q16
> Version: 8:
> Lots of
> update-alternatives: warning: alternative /usr/bin/compare-im6 (part of
> link group compare) doesn't exist; removing from list of alternatives
> update-alternatives: warning: /etc/alternatives/compare is dangling; it
> will be updated with best choice
> update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/compare-im6.q16 to provide
> /usr/bin/compare (compare) in auto mode
> update-alternatives: warning: alternative /usr/bin/animate-im6 (part of
> link group animate) doesn't exist; removing from list of alternatives
  Could you please paste the full log, if you still have it, or tell us
from which version you're upgrading ? And which version of the imagemagick
package ? If it was updated before/after/not updated ?

  Thanks a lot,

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