[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#836189: imagemagick (8: convert from .pdf to .pnm completely broken

karl s.eiringer ks at nextroom.eu
Tue Sep 13 13:23:03 UTC 2016

hi debian bugs,

we experienced the same problem whilst converting pdfs to jpgs.

it happens not with all pdfs and for some there is a workaround.

the test pdf attched by Samuel Wolf <samuelwolf85 at googlemail.com> "bugreport.pdf" throws an exception, but only without '-verbose'

next at smartroom:~$ identify -format '%wx%h@%x' bugreport.pdf
identify: unable to read image data `/tmp/magick-27475GZLz7WEmyr5F1' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/617.

next at smartroom:~$ identify -verbose -format '%wx%h@%x' bugreport.pdf
595x842 at 72

thx for the good work, hopefully see this bug fixed soon.


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