[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#916839: imagemagick: Silent ABI break in 6.9.10-11 on i386

Balint Reczey balint.reczey at canonical.com
Wed Dec 19 11:06:13 GMT 2018

Package: imagemagick
Version: 8:
Severity: grave
Control: forwareded -1 https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick6/issues/31
Control: tags -1 upstream fixed-upstream
Control: affects -1 ruby-rmagick


The ABI broke in 6.9.10-11 due to changing MagickDoubleType to double
from long double.
This breaks ruby-rmagick and possibly other reverse dependencies, thus
after fixing imagemagick please check if some reverse dependencies
need to be rebuilt. The fix will be available in the .18 upstream


Balint Reczey
Ubuntu & Debian Developer

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