Bug#185953: rhythmbox : lirc volume broken [patch]
Vincent Vanackere
Vincent Vanackere <vanackere@lif.univ-mrs.fr>, 185953@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 21 Dec 2003 19:05:44 +0100
Sebastien Bacher wrote:
>>Hi, this patch fixes lirc volume up/down in rhythmbox.
>>BTW: setting the shuffle mode by lirc is broken at the moment
>>(the button is toggled, with no effect...).
> This bug has some months, and the code has changed. Could you test if
> the bug is still here ?
AFAIK there is not any lirc support code left in the current rhythmbox,
therefore you can safely close this bug as it is not pertinent any
more... (Sidenote: I switched back to xmms... waiting until lirc support
is added back to rhythmbox).