Bug#225171: gnome-mud: Gnome-mud freeze after few minutes of
running state
Jordi Mallach
Jordi Mallach <jordi@sindominio.net>, 225171@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 27 Dec 2003 23:29:26 +0100
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On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 07:36:29PM +0100, Sythos wrote:
> > As you say later, this is a segfault. I've been trying to find *what*
> > is causing it, but have been unable till the moment. I currently
> > suspect that the new code that flushes the terminal data to a file is
> > bugged, and it free's memory too much.
> > If you can come up with a testcase to crash this easily, it'd be
> > great. Hint: there's a new gconf key to specify how often to flush the
> > logs.
> I try lot and lot time, but I cannot find a unique pattern to crash
> gnome-mud. I try to send string with ",.-_?!", number or letter, from 2
> to 64 character lenght, with no result... :(
Same here, I have tried many times, and each time the crash came in a
different way.
> In only one case the segfault is punctual, I write
> 'dico abbiamo capito'
I tried this, and wouldn't work. In my case, I sometimes write "dec
holaaaa" and it works, and sometimes it doesn't. It's not 100%
Anyway, I added a patch to gnome-mud to see if it helps.
Can you try the package that will appear in http://incoming.debian.org/
in a few minutes?
Jordi Mallach P=E9rez -- Debian developer http://www.debian.org/
jordi@sindominio.net jordi@debian.org http://www.sindominio.net/
GnuPG public key information available at http://oskuro.net/~jordi/
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