Bug#217261: acknowledged by developer (Re: galeon: browsing
unicode filenames doesn't appear.)
Sven Luther
Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr>, 217261@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 29 Dec 2003 20:04:40 +0100
On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 07:41:08PM +0100, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> writes:
> >> > the fileselector window didn't show the
> >> > filenames with accented leters
> >>
> >> According to upstreams, not a bug ... I'm closing this bug report.
> > I do not agree on this.
> There is no clue on this. That problem has been discuted to death many
> time upstream, it'll not change (see bugzilla and GTK+ README). There is
> no technical way to have a clean support of several locales in the same
> time so the choice is UTF-8.
Yeah, sure, brain dead choice, at least until debian officially supports
a full UTF-8 desktop, which it currently does not.
> > Upstream may think this, and it may well be fine
> > for harddisks, but this was data on a CD coming from somewhere else, and
> > i can hardly have all the other boxes in the world modified in order to
> > be able to read those files.
> So just set G_BROKEN_FILENAME variable on your box
Ah, yes.
But then, how will it work out, if i have UTF-8 filesystems on my box,
and the CD has something else ?
> > Also, even if the below was correct, i think there still would be a bug
> > in the fact that the file got totally ignored. At least it should have
> > been shown, even with some strange letters or something.
> Technical upstream choises (displaying something when you doesn't know
> what displaying is bad), that will no change.
And having files simply disapear is worse yet. Also, i seriously don't
believe that there is no sane way around this, just displaying a ? like
many apps do or something such, should be ok, no ? This is typically a
decision made by 7bit locale users who don't care.
Seriously, i don't disagree with upstreams choice of using UTF-8 by
default, but just making the files vanish is bad, and definitively a
bug, which hopefully should be fixed.
> To summarize this bug is definitively a NOTABUG for upstream, and at
> least a wontfix one ... so feel free to tag or close it.
Mmm, probably will never happen, so let's keep this open until debian is
ready to go to a full UTF-8 system, which it clearly is not yet.
Sven Luther