Bug#217261: galeon: browsing unicode filenames doesn't appear.
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 217261@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 29 Dec 2003 21:59:36 +0100
Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> writes:
> Also, imagine the problem with using older CDs from before UTF-8 existed
> for example.
Yes, I know, but already discussed and re-discussed and
rerere... upstream will no change it, that's a fact, so we've to live
with that.
> dynamically would be nice. Or, some way of just listing those broken
> filenames in some way.
Yes, I agree but I doubt that upstreams will make changes on this
point. BTW you can always try to discuss with them :)
> That said, it isn't really a galeon problem, but a generic gnome
> stuff.
In fact this bug is on gtk+ in the BTS, it has been reassigned for some
times but the title had not been changed.
> I wonder if it would be nice to reassign it to the gnome library
> packages or something such ? Or discuss this on the gnome mailing
> lists ?
You can always try to discuss this on a ml, but this point has already
been discussed a lot of time ...
Sebastien Bacher