Bug#217255: problems with umount and nautilus
Matthieu Baechler
Matthieu Baechler <m.baechler@free.fr>, 217255@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 01 Nov 2003 23:51:35 +0100
It seems that bug #217255 is a fam problem.
I got the same issue with other cases, like nfs mount, zip, floppy, etc.
Doing a "lsof | grep /my-unmountable-dev/" give me only fam processus.
I then tried a "/etc/init.d/fam restart" but it doesn't release my
device. A "killall fam" release it, since it's a little bit "brutal".
Then, I can umount my device an relaunch fam.
I didn't look into nautilus source to find why it don't release devices
looked at by fam because I'm not a nautilus hacker. I wish this mail
could help you.
Matthieu Baechler <m.baechler@free.fr>