Bug#217859: Processed: Re: Bug#217859: Doesn't set the background
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 217859@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 04 Nov 2003 00:10:04 +0100
Christian Marillat <marillat@debian.org> writes:
> /apps/nautilus/preferences/background_set
> if set to true gnome-settings-daemon use nautilus to set the background
Ok. The default value is false according to the nautilus schemas
file and we can't delete some file in an user's dir. If the key is set
to true it's due to some users' changes ... so, any solution ? Seems to
not be really a bug if it's due to some modification from the user ...
> I think this is scheduled for GNOME 2.6 ?
Probably ...
Sebastien Bacher