Madam Salome.

Tue, 18 Nov 2003 15:41:49 +0100

Good Day, 

I am Madam Salome Kokou from Sierra Leone , I
am a widow=
 being that I lost my husband a couple ,
of years ago . My husband was a=
 Serving Chairman of
natural resources in Sierra Leone government until =
death .

Before his death he had a foreign account here in
C?te d=
?Ivoire up to the tune of ten million five
hundred united state dollars$=
 10.5M USD .

I want you to do me a faveur to receive this funds to
a =
safe account in your country or any safer place
except Africa .

I hav=
e concluded arrengement with the Bank manager who
agreed to assist me to=
 transfer the funds
telegraphically to a destination of my choice , but =
have no safe account to effect the transfer hence 
my writing to you =
for assistance.

Please if you are willing to assist me and my only
n DUKE indicate your interest in replying soonest
and tell me what you w=
ill receive as your commission.

Thanks and God bless you.You reach me =
or my son on
this telephone number (225 ) 0796 1214.

best regards .=0D