Bug#241384: Gnome defaults to Konqueror
Brad Schick
"Brad Schick" <schick@robotbattle.com>, 241384@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:22:18 -0800
Package: gconf2
I installed gnome and kde along with other desktop apps using base-config in
Sarge (just after the d-i beta3 release). Specifically, I selected "Desktop
Environment" along with "X window system" etc. from tasksel.
After using the system for a few days I noticed that clicking URLs from
within Gnome (like bug buddy or other non-browser tools) would launch the
Konqueror browser. Gnome should really launch either a generic or gnome
specific browser.
Used gconf-editor I found this key:
Set to this value:
sensible-browser %s
"sensible-browsers" seems to be a kde tools for context sensitive browser
selection. And on my system at least it only selects from kde browsers. I
changed this value to
epiphany %s
and everything works as expected... gnome launches a gnome browser. Also
note that the key for https already contained epiphany.
I am not sure if this value was set to "sensible-browser" during install or
later. I did run both kde and gnome before noticing this problem. Not sure
if something in kde land would change a gconf setting??