Bug#241682: gnome-open binary is missing
Kenny Graunke
Kenny Graunke <kenny@whitecape.org>, 241682@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 02 Apr 2004 03:52:15 -0800
Package: libgnome2-0
Version: 2.4.0-9
The "gnome-open" program is missing from libgnome2-0_2.4.0-9, though
2.4.0-4 included it. I did not see any mention of it being removed in
the package's changelog, nor did I see another package containing it. It
is still included in the source tarball and is built by a default
./configure and make...
Please include /usr/bin/gnome-open again, either in this package or in
another one. It is a very useful program - I use it for URL handling in
xchat, gabber 2, and other programs, since it nicely respects the GNOME
default application preferences.
I am using the "unstable" distribution.